Today, Hospice Palliative care is not a specific place, but a special concept of holistic palliative care designed with the goal to improve the quality of a patient’s last day by offering them and their families home based compassionate care, comfort, support, and dignity.
Hospice care is rooted in the belief that dying is much more than a medical event. The patient’s plan of care therefore includes careful attention to the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and his or her family members.
The goal of hospice care is to assist the dying person on his or her journey, bringing comfort, reconciliation, and inner peace and to assure the long-term well-being of those who are left behind.

Our Aim, to promote & provide quality palliative care to people suffering from a life limiting illness or who are frail and in need of supervised care through quality Nursing, in a safe and comfortable environment.


The association has been approved as a public benefit organisation in terms of section 30 of the Income Tax Act (the Act) and the receipts and accruals are exempt from income tax in terms of section 10 (1) (cN) of the Act. Wide Horizon is also registered for VAT / Level 4 BBBEE.

MISCONCEPTION - Hospice is only for people with cancer.
Hospice is for patients of any age with a prognosis of six months to live or less. Reasons for admission may include end-stage cancer, dementia, heart disease, lung disease, stroke or coma.
MISCONCEPTION - Hospice care is only for people with a few days or weeks to live.
While hospice certainly helps patients and families during a medical crisis, the fullest benefit occurs when pain and symptons are managed, and when patients have the time to make personal and spiritual connections.
MISCONCEPTION - Choosing comfort care means giving up control.
You are always in control of the level of your care. Patients and their families make the final decision about when to choose hospice and who provides the care. The best care happens when we listen first and coordinate with the patient, family and your doctor.
MISCONCEPTION - Hospice care is only for people giving up on life.
Ultimately, hospice is not about dying. It is about helping patients live life to the fullest, with the time they have left. Multiple research studies show that those with a terminal illness who choose hospice often live longer and have a better quality of life than those who choose aggressive end-of-life medical care.
MISCONCEPTION - Hospice and palliative care are the same.
Both provide comfort care during a serious illness. Hospice only begins after the decision to end treatment for a terminal illness and when it’s clear the person will not survive. Palliative care can begin at diagnosis and can happen at the same time as treatment.

The Little Shop Around the Corner

Wide Horizon Hospice
Proudly designed by Bunnypants Graphic & Web Design Studio | 2021