let’s talk about our wishlists

let’s talk about our wishlists

In this episode of bi-monthly interviews, Wide Horizon’s General Manager Anne discusses Frail, Respite and Palliative Care on local Vaal radio station 90.6fm.  Anne also explains the many ways that you can get involved at Wide Horizon; whether you volunteer,...
INTERVIEW on 90.6fm

INTERVIEW on 90.6fm

Listen to Wide Horizon’s General Manager Anne speak to local Vaal radio station 90.6fm about the role of Palliative Care and how we can help & guide patients and their families through the end-of-life process. This is the first in a series of bi-monthly...


For a few years, Wide Horizon Care has successfully headed up a local campaign to help give back the dignity of young girls aged 8 years old and older. For these young ladies, the lack of the most basic needs result in them often missing school for up to a full week....
Essence of Palliative Care

Essence of Palliative Care

The course of a terminal illness is, for nearly all people, a profound spiritual journey. When curative treatment becomes no longer tenable, persons confronted with existential questions about the meaning and purpose of their lives, and what will happen to them when...